輔仁大學織品服裝學系所 電腦輔助服飾管理(二) 課程綱要表
Fu Jen Catholic University
Department / Code (開課單位/單位代碼) |
織品服裝學系 |
Course Code (課程代碼) |
D-4804-12619 |
組別 |
行銷組 |
£ 一年級 £ 二年級 £ 三年級 ¢ 四年級 |
¢ 大學部£ 碩士班 £ 碩專班 |
每週授課堂數 2 每週實習堂數 |
█每週 □單週 □雙週 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
授課教師 |
吳繼仁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
必修 |
選修 |
通識 |
2 |
Course Objectives (課程目標) |
1.讓學生瞭解織品服飾產業全球運籌管理,應用資訊技術的現況。 2.由電腦工作站模擬操作ERP軟體,認識產業運籌之流程與管理機制,配合政府產業人力扎根計畫,建立學生具資訊技術基礎知識。 |
Prerequisites (先修課程) |
基礎電腦概念 |
Course Materials (課程教材) |
自編講義及補充資料 |
Reference (參考書目) |
£ 課堂之前測(Pre-test) |
% |
¢ 期末報告/論文撰述(Team Paper/Theses Writing) | 30% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
£ 課堂中的隨堂測試(Quiz) | % | ¢ 課堂參與(Class Participation) |
20% |
£ 期中考(筆試)(Midterm Test) |
% |
£ 心得/作業撰寫(Assignment) |
% |
£ 課堂後測/期末考(筆試)(Final Test) |
% |
£ 專題發表(Presentation) |
% |
£ 學生表現側寫報告(Profile Report) |
% |
¢ 課堂上實作演練(Role Playing) |
30% |
£ 個案分析報告撰寫(Case Report) |
% |
£ 專業團體之證照檢定(Certification) |
% |
£ 個別面試或口試(Oral Exam) |
% |
¢ 其他(Others) 例:出席率 |
20% |
Pedagogical Methods (教學方法) *可自行增刪項目 |
講授(Lecture) £ 個案教學(Case Study) ¢ 電子教學(e-Learning) £ 體驗教學(Project Adventure) £ 角色扮演實境教學(Role Playing) £ 企業競賽遊戲(Business Simulation Game) £ 管理電影(Theater Learning) |
競賽讀書會(Study Group) ¢ 專題實作(Seminar on Field Research) £ 產業實習(Internship) £ 服務學習實作(Service Learning) ¢ 自主學習(Independent Study) £ 對話教學法(Dialogue Teaching) £ 其他 |
Course Web (課程網頁) |
輔仁大學 i-CAN 系統 |
Course Outline (課程大綱進度) |
十五 成衣商品之調貨、退貨、到貨系統
£ 全人教育 (Holistic Education) |
£ 做中學 (Learning by doing) |
£ 人本價值 (Human-centric values) |
¢ 整合資源 (Resource integration) |
£ 創新知識 (Innovative knowledge) |
¢ 國際視野 (International view) |
Contribution to learning goals (本課程能達成開課單位的哪些目標-院)
厚植學生之基礎管理專業知識及解決問題的能力。 (Each student should be able to analyze and solve management problems. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams and a year long project course in the junior and senior years.) ¢ 培養學生理性分析及創新思維的能力。 (Each student should be able to perform a rational analysis and propose innovative ideas. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) £ 蘊育學生人本關懷及親身服務之實踐倫理的態度及意願。 (Each student should be willing to show human compassion and render professional services as an ethical practice. This learning goal is met through service-learning activities.) ¢ 奠定學生轉化理論於實際行動的能力。 (Each student should be able to put theory into practice. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) ¢ 養成學生之國際視野,並展現其國際化特性的能力。 (Each student should be able to cultivate a global view. This learning goal is met through English language courses, courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners.) ¢ 培養學生善用資訊科技以統整資源的能力。 (Each student should be able to use information technology to integrate resources. This learning goal is met through embedded exams in required IT courses.) |
Contribution to learning goals (本課程能達成開課單位的哪些目標-系)
厚植學生之基礎管理專業知識及解決問題的能力。 (Each student should be able to analyze and solve management problems. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams and a year long project course in the junior and senior years.) ¢ 培養學生理性分析及創新思維的能力。 (Each student should be able to perform a rational analysis and propose innovative ideas. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) ¢ 奠定學生轉化理論於實際行動的能力。 (Each student should be able to put theory into practice. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) ¢ 養成學生之國際視野,並展現其國際化特性的能力。 (Each student should be able to cultivate a global view. This learning goal is met through English language courses, courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners.) ¢ 厚植學生管理與資訊之專業知識及技能。 (Each student should be able to use their management and information technology expertise to solve problems related to their focus. This learning goal is met through a year long project and on-the-job training.) ¢ 培養學生具備動手解決企業資訊系統的能力。 (Each student should be able to produce solutions to the business intelligence related problems. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams) |